To know God. To make God known.


To be Holy means to be set apart from this world, to be different. Not only is God infinitely Holy, but we to are called to be holy. To find…
What does it mean when we say God is faithful? Dependable. True. Authentic, Believable. This makes God our one true comfort in an anxious world.
What are the first thoughts that come to mind when you think about God the Father? Jesus? Holy Spirit? We need God to have these different roles for us to…
Who is God? He is INFINITE and PERSONAL. There is a difference in know about God and knowing God. Knowing God leads to trusting God. He is worthy of being…


January 2, 2022
Contentment is being happy or satisfied with where you are at right now. Or we could look at the opposite of contentment as always wanting more. Today, Craig's message challenges…

The Visitor’s Journeys

December 26, 2021
The Wiseman and the shepherds are a part of the Christmas story that we read every year, but have you ever wondered how we got these stories? What motived them…

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2021
Christmas Eve is a time that we stop and reflect on our "Cornerstone", Jesus. Where do we have Jesus placed in our lives? Do you have him placed as the…

The Nativity

December 19, 2021
As you watch the kids tell the story of "The Nativity," may you be reminded that your heavenly father loves you.

What Brings You Joy?

December 12, 2021
What brings you joy? What brings Jesus joy? And do you think of times of persecution, trials, and hurt as times of joy? These are the questions that Pastor Ron…
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