This week was our fall Sunday School Kickoff Sunday. Pastor Ron used this opportunity to encourage us to strive for "Faith like a Child."
This week, our guest speaker, Pastor Forest Macy, speaks on the Joy God desires for us.
Are their things about yourself that you grumble about physically, emotionally, intellectually and/or spiritually? This week, pastor Ron challenges us to turn our grumbles into thanksgivings.
Sunday, August 22, Pastor Ron finishes his series from John 15 preaching from John 15:18-27 with a sermon titled, "Responses to Truth." "Jesus came so we could understand sin more…
Pastor Ron continues his 3 week journey through John 15 looking at verses 9-17. Are you ready to accept God's love fully?
Sunday, August 8, Pastor Ron starts his 3 week (or more) on John 15 beginning with verses 1-8, "I am the vine, you are the branches."
Sunday, August 1, Pastor Walt talks about "Our Great Salvation" sharing from John 3:1-21 and other verses.
This week, Sunday July 25, 2021, Pastor Ron shares his 3rd and final message in his series called "Witness", this week focusing on a physical testimony.
This Sunday, July 18, 2021 Pastor Ron continues his series on Witness by looking at Apostle Paul and his Spiritual Testimony.