When we sing at the start of our service, do you wonder about the lyrics and where a song is coming from? I love when I can see scripture or…
Pastor Ron started a 4 week series titled, "In the Beginning" based on Genesis 1:1 this week. In this message, he looks at "Giving."
What does it mean to be overhauled? Pastor Ron uses the illustration of overhauling a car to help us understand this passage.
Colossians is written to believers and in this section of the book, we look at the 2 sides, or 2 choices we ultimately have. 1. To live life in the…
We have all rejected the light sometime in our lives. We once hated what was holy & pure. Jesus opens us up to see the evil we are trapped in…
Colossians is written to believers as a guide to remember what is important: a better understanding of Jesus. When you know "the real thing" you can identify what is counterfeit.