What does it mean to be overhauled? Pastor Ron uses the illustration of overhauling a car to help us understand this passage.
Colossians is written to believers and in this section of the book, we look at the 2 sides, or 2 choices we ultimately have. 1. To live life in the…
We have all rejected the light sometime in our lives. We once hated what was holy & pure. Jesus opens us up to see the evil we are trapped in…
Colossians is written to believers as a guide to remember what is important: a better understanding of Jesus. When you know "the real thing" you can identify what is counterfeit.
Wisdom: Knowledge of what is good and true. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so we all can grow in Wisdom to help us understand the world in an additional way,…
Jesus gives the disciples and us a job to do: go out, be witnesses. But Jesus also assures us that we are not doing this alone. We go out with…
Our dedication grows as we mature and grow in our faith. Do you love Jesus "more than these"? Jesus is striving to replace the vices in our lives with things…