To know God. To make God known.


What does God want?

November 7, 2021
Have you ever wondered what it is that God really wants from us? The Bible has that answer, and David Nerud helped to take the scripture in Micah 6:8 and…
Jesus is approachable. That is the statement that I pulled from this sermon titled, "Come, Take." You have been invited to "come."

Pressing On to Know the Lord

October 24, 2021

Fear Not

October 17, 2021
"Fear Not" is commanded 365 times in the bible. This week, Pastor Ron takes Jesus' words in Matthew 10 and elaborates on "Fear Not" or in reverse, to "Be Wise."
What does Jesus say about government and living as a Christian? Not a lot, but He does have some direction for us.
Pastor Ron continues the series of Commands of Jesus by looking at what Jesus has to say about money and material possessions.
The second message in the series of Commands of Jesus with the focus on Rejoice and Shine. The focus verse is Matthew 5:11-16 but Pastor Ron shares several verses with…
This series, "The commands of Jesus" is based off of Jesus' words in John 14:15 where Jesus says, "If you loved me, you would keep my commands." Today, Pastor Ron…

Faith like a Child

September 12, 2021
This week was our fall Sunday School Kickoff Sunday. Pastor Ron used this opportunity to encourage us to strive for "Faith like a Child."
This week, our guest speaker, Pastor Forest Macy, speaks on the Joy God desires for us.
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