Pastor Ron started a 4 week series titled, "In the Beginning" based on Genesis 1:1 this week. In this message, he looks at "Giving."
How does mowing your yard have to do with maintaining the Christian life? That's the question Pastor Walt asked God while preparing for today's message.
What does it mean to be overhauled? Pastor Ron uses the illustration of overhauling a car to help us understand this passage.
Have you ever thought about dining or eating with God? Today, guest speaker Craig looks at passages in the old testament that talk about dining with God, passages in the…
Colossians is written to believers and in this section of the book, we look at the 2 sides, or 2 choices we ultimately have. 1. To live life in the…
We have all rejected the light sometime in our lives. We once hated what was holy & pure. Jesus opens us up to see the evil we are trapped in…
Colossians is written to believers as a guide to remember what is important: a better understanding of Jesus. When you know "the real thing" you can identify what is counterfeit.