Responses to Truth

August 22, 2021
Sunday, August 22, Pastor Ron finishes his series from John 15 preaching from John 15:18-27 with a sermon titled, "Responses to Truth." "Jesus came so we could understand sin more…

Trust = LOVE

August 15, 2021
Pastor Ron continues his 3 week journey through John 15 looking at verses 9-17. Are you ready to accept God's love fully?


June 20, 2021
This week, June 20th, Pastor Ron speaks about Forgiveness. We focus on Matthew 18:21-35 and Luke 7:36-50. Enjoy and have a blessed week!

Sola Scriptura

June 6, 2021
This week, June 6th, Pastor Ron preached on Sola Scriptura - "Bible Alone". The passage we are digging into is Psalm 19:7-11.