Sunday, August 22, Pastor Ron finishes his series from John 15 preaching from John 15:18-27 with a sermon titled, "Responses to Truth." "Jesus came so we could understand sin more…
Pastor Ron continues his 3 week journey through John 15 looking at verses 9-17. Are you ready to accept God's love fully?
Sunday, August 8, Pastor Ron starts his 3 week (or more) on John 15 beginning with verses 1-8, "I am the vine, you are the branches."
This week, Sunday July 25, 2021, Pastor Ron shares his 3rd and final message in his series called "Witness", this week focusing on a physical testimony.
This Sunday, July 18, 2021 Pastor Ron continues his series on Witness by looking at Apostle Paul and his Spiritual Testimony.
This week, Sunday, June 27, Pastor Ron shares from 1 Corinthians 1:10-2:5 with his sermon titled, "Faith and the Unlikely Story."
This week, June 20th, Pastor Ron speaks about Forgiveness. We focus on Matthew 18:21-35 and Luke 7:36-50. Enjoy and have a blessed week!
This week, June 6th, Pastor Ron preached on Sola Scriptura - "Bible Alone". The passage we are digging into is Psalm 19:7-11.