VBS Facebook Post (Presentation)

VBS - Summer 2025 - July 21 - 23 Evenings

We are looking forward to a fun filled week filled with games, storytelling, crafts, snacks, singing and new friends, as we saddle up to explore the wild frontier and celebrate the greatest truth of all - God is good!



Registration opens on April 5th. Come back to this webpage to download and print your registration form or stop by the church to pick up a copy. Mail in or drop-off your completed forms.

Pre-Registration is appreciated, but not required.

April 5th - Stop by the annual Youth Group Rummage sale from 7:00 am - 12:00 pm to easily fill out registration and drop it off right away!


Closing Program:

Parents and families are welcome in on the last day to enjoy a closing program by the VBS kids! More details to follow.



Call Toni at 701-388-0750 and she will be happy to help you!


Red River Church
607 9th St E
West Fargo, ND  58078

(Across from the WF High School)

Want to help support our VBS program?

You can give towards the VBS program and be a blessing to the youth who will be learning with us this summer! You can make in impact in the faith journey of others.

One way to give - visit our Amazon Wish List and make a purchase of one of the items needed for our lessons, crafts, and more.  (Donations through Amazon should be made prior to June 20th.)